Corporate Profile

Company Name
  • Kobelco Eco-Solutions Co.,Ltd.
Head Office 4-78, 1-chome, Wakinohama-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0072 Japan
Capital \6,020 million
  • \85,880 million (Fiscal 2023)
Number of Employees
  • 1,343
President Mikio Sato
Business Description

◦Water Treatment Segment (Design, manufacture, sale of equipment and facilities and construction work)

  • • Water treatment
    Treatment facilities for industrial water, city water and sewage
    Treatment facilities for ultrapure water, pure water, industrial water and wastewater
  • • Biomass
    Recycling system for organic waste such as sewage sludge and food
  • • Cooling towers
    Industrial/air conditioning cooling towers

◦Waste Treatment Segment (Design, manufacture, sale, repair of equipment and facilities and construction work)

  • • Waste treatment/recycling
    Municipal waste incineration/melting facilities
    (Fluidized bed gasification and melting furnace, grate type incinerator, fluidized-bed furnace, plasma melting furnace)
  • • Detoxification of PCBs
    PCB waste treatment facilities
  • • Wood biomass-fired power plantss

◦Chemical/Food Process Equipment Segment (Design, manufacturing, sales, and repair of devices and equipment)

  • • Process equipment
    Glasslined reactors
    Polymerizers, reactors
  • • Hydrogen-related business
    High-purity Hydrogen Oxygen Generator

◦Technical Development

  • • Technical development
    Technical development related to water/sludge treatment, PCB treatment, recycling, and others
    • Environmental analysis service
    Potable water and sewage sludge, wastewater from factories, research centers, etc.
    Industrial waste
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